more knot tying & sayanora.
ash & renee - congrats!! fun wedding...does this mean that we cant be friends anymore, because im a girl? that seems to happen to a lot of male syndrome: no friends of the opposite sex.
lesson learned - little sis can DEFINITELY out drink me (no contest). punjabi aunties are critics. i heart chocolate fudge fountains.

i head to japan on friday - with 2 weeks of consulting presentations in front of me...then return for a few days to move, and then im off to summer of craziness in cinci. whoa. things are a-changing, and definitely heading down a different road...a little bit scary, but exciting in the same breath. its not anything tangible, but i definitely feel like a chapter in closing, an end of an era of sorts. for once, i feel all grown up...and im ok with that.
made a lot of great friends this year, a lot of great memories...
"when I'm weak I draw strength from you
and when you're lost I know how to change your mood
and when I'm down you breathe life over me
even though we're miles apart we are each other's destiny..."