perfect fit
so i saw this ad for a new tv show, that is about a girl who is either in or is entering a new relationship...she is having lunch with a friend....and her friend says to her "you remember when you found those incredible marc jacobs heels half off at the barney's warehouse sale? execpt they were the wrong size, and you kept trying to jam your foot in them because your pride prevented you from putting them back on the shelf for someone else. well, he's a great looking shoe, that's not in your size. the trouble is that you just dont love him enough, and you dont trust that the universe is going to provide you with the right shoe, in the right size, at the right time. "

i wish i wasnt so fragile
cause i know im not easy to handle
baby please, dont forget you love me
dont forget you love me today.
i dont want to feel like this
but im so tired of missing you
i dont want to beg for your time
i want you mine, all mine.
:( miss you
awww, miss you too. you have NO idea.
ooooh... good post... -m
Good for people to know.
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