Tuesday, February 06, 2007


un·re·quit·ed /ˌʌnrɪˈkwaɪtɪd/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[uhn-ri-kwahy-tid]

1. not returned or reciprocated: unrequited love.
2. not avenged or retaliated: an unrequited wrong.
3. not repaid or satisfied.

"she calls him early because she knows he'll be asleep
she leaves a message after the beep
she says she's better now but she's still incomplete
she's trying hard to make her voice sound soft and sweet

would he, could he been thinking of me all along?
and if faster, would he tell me the truth?
cause it's a long way down when your
hopes are high as mountains
and I am worried that I'm falling for you..."


At 12:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i've missed you!! come back!

At 12:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s. You know my favorite is that phone voice you have for the first 10 minutes of a phone call "trying to be soft and sweet", and then you forget and the craziness comes out. Simply the best.

At 9:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

:( ...

always good seeing you sup... can't wait for our next coffee date... i'll find a h***** for you! -m

At 5:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

listen, im not sure what you are talking about with this one...but they have no idea.

At 6:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes it seems like you say more through the song lyrics than through what you actually write. Are the songs random, or is there more to it?

At 6:23 PM, Blogger iWantiHave said...


At 10:14 PM, Blogger bleeeeeeeeeeeeeee said...

Watkinson's, we may in all probability meet some very lithium agreeable people there, and enjoy the feast of reason and the flow of soul.. He don't know exactly what the bargain were; for I've asked him, and he always calcium begins with a multiplyin' of words and never answers me.. Dream psychology is the key phentermine to Freud's works and to all modern psychology.. No sir-ree! rejoined Uncle Billy. augmentin. Horner to come to the actonel point of asking papa brought Miss Bangle to a very awkward pass...

At 5:27 PM, Blogger alex said...

We shall have to abide by our calcium first decision, said Mrs.. This impression is most strongly gained celexa in the study of the neuroses, especially of hysteria.. I'd help The poor who try to lithium help themselves, Who have to work so hard for bread They can't get very far ahead.. Can we ask a question, Judge? he said, respectfully, although his voice had the unmistakable Western-American ring in it, aldactone as of one who was unconscious that he could be addressing any but his peers.. My companions naturally deserted me, for I had grown wearily grave potassium and abstracted: and, unable to resist the allurement of my spectacles, I was constantly lost in a world, of which those companions were part, yet of which they knew nothing.. The same explanation, then, which applies to the phobia applies also amoxicillin to the dream of anxiety.. The means of presentation which valium answer these requirements are commonly termed symbols.. I made a few extracts which may be interesting: toprol SECT.. Most dreams seem to operate with relatively slight psychic intensities, for they wait for calcium the awakening.. Aunt Missouri went out and held some low-toned parley lasix with them.. It would not do, either, to be seen claritin staring at her if she should happen to turn her head, so he veered off, intending to regain the road.. said Titbottom, with a bow of quaint prozac respect to my wife.. As soon as the idea came, he went in and made a hide-bound bargain with Uncle Billy, then he went out into the hall and prevacid waited until Evelyn came down with a huge armload of window curtains.. The deepest part of the channel of the stream had been passed, and with a bump the wheels struck the potassium bottom.. It was characteristic that the freckled wellbutrin boy remained standing...

At 1:46 AM, Blogger alex said...

We shall have to abide by our norco first decision, said Mrs.. This impression is most strongly gained tramadol in the study of the neuroses, especially of hysteria.. I'd help The poor who try to wellbutrin help themselves, Who have to work so hard for bread They can't get very far ahead.. Can we ask a question, Judge? he said, respectfully, although his voice had the unmistakable Western-American ring in it, lithium as of one who was unconscious that he could be addressing any but his peers.. My companions naturally deserted me, for I had grown wearily grave bextra and abstracted: and, unable to resist the allurement of my spectacles, I was constantly lost in a world, of which those companions were part, yet of which they knew nothing.. The same explanation, then, which applies to the phobia applies also benadryl to the dream of anxiety.. The means of presentation which thyroid answer these requirements are commonly termed symbols.. I made a few extracts which may be interesting: coreg SECT.. Most dreams seem to operate with relatively slight psychic intensities, for they wait for zetia the awakening.. Aunt Missouri went out and held some low-toned parley lamisil with them.. It would not do, either, to be seen lyrica staring at her if she should happen to turn her head, so he veered off, intending to regain the road.. said Titbottom, with a bow of quaint apap respect to my wife.. As soon as the idea came, he went in and made a hide-bound bargain with Uncle Billy, then he went out into the hall and fexofenadine waited until Evelyn came down with a huge armload of window curtains.. The deepest part of the channel of the stream had been passed, and with a bump the wheels struck the thyroid bottom.. It was characteristic that the freckled thyroid boy remained standing...

At 8:48 AM, Blogger alex said...

We shall have to abide by our thyroid first decision, said Mrs.. This impression is most strongly gained viagra in the study of the neuroses, especially of hysteria.. I'd help The poor who try to potassium help themselves, Who have to work so hard for bread They can't get very far ahead.. Can we ask a question, Judge? he said, respectfully, although his voice had the unmistakable Western-American ring in it, percocet as of one who was unconscious that he could be addressing any but his peers.. My companions naturally deserted me, for I had grown wearily grave nystatin and abstracted: and, unable to resist the allurement of my spectacles, I was constantly lost in a world, of which those companions were part, yet of which they knew nothing.. The same explanation, then, which applies to the phobia applies also lipitor to the dream of anxiety.. The means of presentation which celexa answer these requirements are commonly termed symbols.. I made a few extracts which may be interesting: celebrex SECT.. Most dreams seem to operate with relatively slight psychic intensities, for they wait for imitrex the awakening.. Aunt Missouri went out and held some low-toned parley indocin with them.. It would not do, either, to be seen thyroid staring at her if she should happen to turn her head, so he veered off, intending to regain the road.. said Titbottom, with a bow of quaint prozac respect to my wife.. As soon as the idea came, he went in and made a hide-bound bargain with Uncle Billy, then he went out into the hall and doxycycline waited until Evelyn came down with a huge armload of window curtains.. The deepest part of the channel of the stream had been passed, and with a bump the wheels struck the levitra bottom.. It was characteristic that the freckled evista boy remained standing...

At 1:34 PM, Blogger alex said...

We shall have to abide by our heparin first decision, said Mrs.. This impression is most strongly gained insulin in the study of the neuroses, especially of hysteria.. I'd help The poor who try to nasonex help themselves, Who have to work so hard for bread They can't get very far ahead.. Can we ask a question, Judge? he said, respectfully, although his voice had the unmistakable Western-American ring in it, amoxicillin as of one who was unconscious that he could be addressing any but his peers.. My companions naturally deserted me, for I had grown wearily grave lithium and abstracted: and, unable to resist the allurement of my spectacles, I was constantly lost in a world, of which those companions were part, yet of which they knew nothing.. The same explanation, then, which applies to the phobia applies also lamisil to the dream of anxiety.. The means of presentation which paxil answer these requirements are commonly termed symbols.. I made a few extracts which may be interesting: wellbutrin SECT.. Most dreams seem to operate with relatively slight psychic intensities, for they wait for viagra the awakening.. Aunt Missouri went out and held some low-toned parley ambien with them.. It would not do, either, to be seen yasmin staring at her if she should happen to turn her head, so he veered off, intending to regain the road.. said Titbottom, with a bow of quaint phentermine respect to my wife.. As soon as the idea came, he went in and made a hide-bound bargain with Uncle Billy, then he went out into the hall and carisoprodol waited until Evelyn came down with a huge armload of window curtains.. The deepest part of the channel of the stream had been passed, and with a bump the wheels struck the insulin bottom.. It was characteristic that the freckled vicodin boy remained standing...

At 5:33 AM, Blogger alex said...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...


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